


番号 説明
1 tcpmux(TCP Port Service Multiplexer)
2 compressnet(Management Utility)
3 compressnet(Compression Process)
5 rje(Remote Job Entry)
7 Echo
9 discard
11 systat(Active Users)
13 daytime
17 qotd(Quote of the Day)
18 msp(Message Send Protocol)
19 chargen(Character Generator)
20 FTP(data)
21 FTP(control)
22 SSH
23 Telnet
24 any private mail system
27 nsw-fe(NSW User System FE)
29 msg-icp(MSG ICP)
31 msg-auth(MSG Authentication)
33 Display Support Protocol
35 any private printer server
37 time
38 rap(Route Access Protocol)
39 rlp(Resource Location Protocol)
41 graphics
42 nameserver(Host Name Server)
43 nicname(WHO IS)
44 mpm-fags(MPM FLAGS Protocol)
45 mpm(Message Processing Module[recv])
46 mpm-snd(MPM[default send])
47 ni-ftp(NI FTP)
48 auditd(Digital Audit Daemon)
49 tacacs(Login Host Protocol(TACACS))
50 re-mail-ck(Remote Mail Checking Protocol)
51 la-maint(IMP Logical Address Maintenance)
52 xns-time(XNS Time Protocol)
53 DNS(Domain Name Server)
54 xns-ch(XNS Clearinghouse)
55 isi-gl(ISI Graphics Language)
56 xn-auth(XNS Authentication)
57 any private terminal service
58 xns-mail(XNS Mail)
59 any private file service
61 ni-mail(NI MAIL)
62 acas(ACA Services)
63 whois++
64 covia(Communications Integrator(CI))
65 tacacs-ds(TACACS-Database Service)
66 sql*net(Oracle SQL*NET)
67 bootps(Bootstrap Protocol Server)
68 bootpc(Bootstrap Protocol Client)
69 tftp(Trivial File Transfer Protocol)
70 Ghoher
71 netrjs-1(Remote Job Service)
72 netrjs-2(Remote Job Service)
73 netrjs-3(Remote Job Service)
74 netrjs-4(Remote Job Service)
75 any private dial out service
76 deos(Distributed External Object Store)
77 any private RJE service
78 vettcp
79 Finger
81 hosts2-ns(HOST2 Name Server)
82 xfer(XFER Utility)
83 mit-ml-dev(MIT ML Device)
84 ctf(Common Trace Facility)
85 mit-ml-dev(MIT ML Device)
86 mfcobol(Micro Focus Cobol)
87 any private terminal link
88 kerberos(ケロベロス認証)
89 su-mit-tg(SU/MIT Telnet Gateway)
90 dnsix(DNSIX Securit Attribute Token Map)
91 mit-dov(MIT Dover Spooler)
92 npp(Network Printing Protocol)
93 dcp(Device Control Protocol)
94 objcall(Tivoli Object Dispatcher)
95 supdup(SUP DUP)
96 dixie(DIXIE Protocol Specification)
97 swift-rvf(Swift Remote Viertual File Protocol)
98 tacnews(TAC News)
99 metagram(Metagram Relay)
101 hostname(NIC Host Name Server)
103 gppitnp(Genesis Point-to-Point Trans Net)
104 acr-nema(ACR-NEMA Digital Imag. & Comm.300)
105 cso(CCSO name server protocol)
105 csnet-ns(Mailbox Name Nameserver)
106 3com-tsmux(3COM-TSMUX)
107 rtelnet(Remote Telnet Service)
108 anagas(SNA gateway Access Server)
109 pop2(Post Office Protocol-Version2)
110 pop3(Post Office Protocol-Version3)
111 sunrpc(SUN Remote Procedure Call)
112 McIDAS Data Transmission Protocol
113 auth(ident)(Authentication Service)
114 audionews(Audio News Multicast)
115 sftp
116 ansanotify(ANSA REX Notify)
117 uucp-path(UUCP Path Service)
118 sqlserv(SQL Services)
119 nntp(Network News Transfer Protocol)
120 cfdptkt
121 erpc(Encore Expedited Remote Pro.Call)
122 smakynet
123 ntp(Network Time Protocol)
124 ansatrader(ANSA REX Trader)
125 locus-map(Locus PC-Interface Net Map Ser)
126 unitary(Unisys Unitary Login)
127 locus-con(Locus PC-Interface Conn Server)
128 gss-xlicen(GSS X License Verification)
129 pwdgen(Password Generator Protocol)
130 cisco-fna(cisco FNATIVE)
131 cisco-tna(cisco TNATIVE)
132 cisco-sys(cisco SYSMAINT)
133 statsrv(Statistics Service)
134 ingres-net(INGRES-NET Service)
135 epmap(DCE endpoint resolution)
136 profile(PROFILE Naming System)
137 netbios-ns(NETBIOS Name Service (SAMBA))
138 netbios-dgm(NETBIOS xxxx Service(SAMBA))
139 netbios-ss(NETBIOS Session Service(SAMBA))
140 emfis-data(EMFIS Data Sercice)
141 emfis-cntl(EMFIS Control Service)
142 bl-idm(Britton-Lee IDM)
143 IMAP
144 uma(Universal Management Architecture)
145 uaac(UAAC Protocol)
146 iso-tp0
147 iso-ip
148 jargon
149 aed-512(AED 512 Emulation Service)
150 sql-net
151 hems
152 bftp(Background File Transfer Program)
153 sgmp
154 netsc-prod(NETSC)
155 netsc-dev(NETSC)
156 sqlsrv(SQL Service)
157 knet-cmp(KNET/VM Command/Message Protocol)
158 pcmail-srv(PCMail Server)
159 nss-routing
160 sgmp-traps
161 SNMP
162 SNMP trap
163 cmip-man(CMIP/TCP Manager)
164 cmip-agent(CMIP/TCP Agent)
165 xns-courier(Xerox)
166 s-net(Sirius Systems)
167 namp
168 rsvd
169 send
170 print-srv(Network PostScript)
171 multiplex(Network Innocations Multiplex)
172 cl/1(Network Innovations CL/1)
173 xyplex-mux(Xyplex)
174 mailq
175 vmnet
176 genrad-mux
177 xdmcp(X Display Manager Control Protocol)
178 nextstep(NextStep Window Server)
179 bgp(Border Gateway Protocol)
180 ris(Intergraph)
181 unify
182 audit(Unisys Audit SITP)
183 ocbinder(OCBinder)
184 ocserver
185 remote-kis(Remote-KIS)
186 kis(KIS Protocol)
187 aci(Application Communication Interface)
188 mumps(Plus Five's MUMPS)
189 qft(Queued File Transport)
190 gacp(Gateway Access Control Protocol)
191 prospero(Prospero Directory Service)
192 osu-nms(OSU Network Monitoring System)
193 srmp(Spider Remote Monitoring Protocol)
194 irc(Internet Relay Chat Protocol)
195 dn6-nlm-aud(DNSIX Network Level Module Audit)
196 dn6-smm-red(DNSIX Session Mgt Module Audit Redir)
197 dls(Directory Location Service)
198 dls-mon(Directory Location Service Monitor)
199 smux
201 at-rtmp(AppleTalk Routing Maintenance)
202 at-nbp(AppleTalk Name Binding)
204 at-echo(AppleTalk Echo)
206 at-zis(AppleTalk Zone Information)
220 imap3(Interacitve Mail Access Protocol v3)
389 LDAP
455 creativepartnr(CreativePartnr)
465 SMTPs
514 Syslog
554 rtsp(Real Time Stream Control Protocol)
902 ideafarm-chat
993 IMAP4S
995 POP3S
1025 blackjack(network blackjack)
1026 cap(Calendar Access Protocol)
1080 socks
1168 vchat(VChat Conference Service)
1169 tripwire
1276 ivmanager
1433 ms-sql-s(Microsoft SQLServer)
1744 ncpm-ft
1894 o2server-port
1927 videte-cipc(Videte CIPC Port)
1987 tr-rsrb-p1(cisco RSRB Priority 1 port)
2086 gnunet(GNUnet)
2387 vsamredirector(VSAM Redirector)
2551 isg-uda-server(ISG UDA Server)
2745 urbisnet(URBISNET)
3021 agriserver
3072 csd-monitor(ContinuStor Monitor Port)
3128 ndl-aas(Active API Server Port)
3338 anet-b(OMF data b)
3389 ms-wbt-server(Microsoft WBT Server)
3410 networklenss(NetworkLens SSL Event)
3468 ttcmremotectrl(TTCM Remote Controll)
4000 terabase(Terabase)
5000 commplex-main
6112 dtspcd
7100 font-service(X Font Sevice)
8888 ddi-tcp-1(NewEdge server TCP)
9898 monkeycom(MonkeyCom)
10080 amanda(Amanda)
12345 italk(Italk Chat System)
40841 cscp(CSCP)
41794 crestron-cip(Crestron Control Port)
41795 crestron-ctp(Crestron Terminal Port)
43188 reachout
43189 ndm-agent-port(NDM Agent Port)
43190 ip-provision(IP-PROVISION)
45054 invision-ag(InVision AG)